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The big step to elementary school is an exciting milestone on your child’s learning and development journey.


School transition is a significant change in your child’s learning environment and day-to-day lifestyle. This is why we begin kindergarten readiness well in advance and over a long period of time. We will begin having conversations with you to identify how we can best work together over this time. From a curriculum perspective, our Pre-K program taught by teachers will equip your child with the necessary skills and knowledge to support them in navigating the big changes they will experience as they enter kindergarten. We prepare children for school through a variety of experiences, focusing particularly on their emotional and social development. We work with you to instill in them a higher level of social competency including the ability to take turns, share, start conversations with classmates, be independent and take on new challenges. In your child’s final year of preschool, we focus on creating experiences that will assist your child in developing these skills and attributes.


Activities include:


  •  Dramatic play – expressing their emotions and dealing with conflict in an appropriate way, taking turns, joining in group activities and communicating with other people verbally and non-verbally 

  • Construction, puzzles and science-based activities – this develops their problem solving ability and encourages them to exercise a healthy curiosity 

  • Literacy learning – such as letter recognition, reading and listening skills that are integral to kindergarten education

  • Physical activities – to develop their small and large muscles, coordination, stability, agility and balance

  • Independence and self-help skills – such as dressing themselves, unpacking their own backpacks and completing tasks all on their own

  • Group and project work – to promote investigation, research, team work, concentration and leadership.


We work hard to build positive connections with local schools to further assist our families in the Pre-K program by creating connections and open lines of communication. Please speak with our staff if you have any questions or concerns about your child starting elementary school. 



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